Getting Through The Holidays
As the holiday season unfolds with its twinkling lights and festive cheer, many people anticipate a time of togetherness and joy. However, for survivors, the holidays can be marked by profound feelings of loneliness and emotional distress.

Survivors of Suicide Loss Day
November 18th is a day marked by reflection, support, and unity, as we observe International Survivors of Suicide Loss Day. This day is dedicated to remembering and honoring those who have lost their lives to suicide and supporting the survivors left behind.
Loss Survivor Resources
AFSP International Survivors of Suicide Loss Day
The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP) offers valuable information and resources, including ways to get involved in Survivor Day events.
Children, Teens, & Suicide Loss
This resource offers guidance on how to support children and teenagers who have experienced suicide loss.
How to Talk to a Suicide Loss Survivor
Communication is essential, but it can be challenging. This resource provides guidance on how to approach conversations with suicide loss survivors.
United Suicide Survivors International
United Suicide Survivors International serves as a home for people who have experienced suicide loss, suicide attempts, and suicidal thoughts and feelings, and their friends and families.
A Daughter's Journey Documentary
This moving documentary provides insights into a daughter's journey of healing after losing her father to suicide.
Reading can be a therapeutic way to find support and understanding. AFSP provides a list of books specifically written for loss survivors.
Talking to Others About What Happened
One of the most important reasons to be honest about the way your loved one died is that it will give your friends and family the opportunity to support you in an appropriate way.
General Mental Health Resources
Marginalized Communities
We have resources for various marginalized communities.
Sound Healing
Sound healing is the practice of using noises, sounds, or music to improve one’s physical, mental, and/or spiritual well-being.
DBT Coping Skills
See how you can cope with painful emotions and take better control of your thoughts and emotions.
Support Group
Survivors of sexual assault of all races, genders, and backgrounds are encouraged to join this free virtual space to receive peer support.
Trauma-Informed Yoga
Trauma sensitive yoga takes the approach that the entire person-- mind, body and spirit-- must be engaged when healing.
Local Resources
Find legal assistance, therapy, community, healing, medical, and safety resources.
National Resources
National Hotlines
Social Media Toolkit
Download PAVE’s social media toolkit and help uplift survivors this holiday season.