How can YOU make a difference?
Every person knows a survivor of sexual assault, even if they don’t know it, because many survivors suffer in silence. Or perhaps you are a survivor who wants to transform anger into action to help others. Regardless of why you are here, your voice matters and you can make a significant impact in your community. Learn about how you can make a difference today.
Educate Yourself
The most impactful thing any one person can do is to educate themselves to know how to respond if someone discloses to you. If you are a survivor, education can help you heal. Learn about the educational options available to you through PAVE.
Support a Survivor
Survivors often feel shame or guilt, and many suffer from post traumatic stress disorder. Society and loved ones can re-traumatize them with language that places responsibility on the survivor. PAVE offers several ways to support survivors.
Join the Movement
We aim to empower victim-survivors and strive to prevent sexual violence through education, advocacy, and community action. We need supporters to join the movement so we can continue to help survivors thrive as well as transform our culture.
PAVE University
PAVE University is PAVE’s online learning platform. PAVE University’s goal is to provide comprehensive, accessible online education to educate and change the world. These courses have been created and vetted by some of the world’s leading experts. They are presented to you for free, simply with a suggested donation. We continually add and update our courses, check back for new content!
Available Courses
Bystander Intervention
Learn how to safely help friends and family who find themselves in difficult situations.
Learn how to define consent, and how to get and give consent.
Survivor Support
Learn what to do when friends, loved ones, and even strangers disclose events like sexual assault to you.
Support a Survivor With a Love.Care.Heal. Kit
We distribute our Love Care Heal packages to survivors around the country as well as to care providers who work directly with survivors. Inside these kits are items that help survivors feel loved and supported through the recovery process. Healing from trauma can take days, weeks or years. Every person’s healing journey is unique. We view PAVE as your healing partner for life, so these packages are an important first step for survivors.
Are you an organization or individual who could benefit from Love Care Heal kits? Fill out the following form and we will contact you.
Join the Movement