Help for a loved one
Whether you are a parent, friend, spouse, partner, or other family member, you can be a pivotal force in your loved one’s recovery from sexual assault. It is also important to recognize that the assault can be traumatizing for you as a loved one, so please make sure you practice self-care and seek professional help if needed.
How to support a survivor
Tell them you believe them.
Be supportive and thank them for sharing their experience.
Tell them it was not their fault.
Listen, Listen, Listen.
Focus on the survivor’s emotions, not on actual facts about the assault.
Do not accuse or judge your loved one.
Do not pretend the assault never happened.
Don’t pressure them to report, and support whatever steps they’d like to take goin forward.
It is normal to feel enraged that someone hurt your loved one, but the focus should remain on the survivor’s emotions.
Although it may be difficult, try not to over-protect your loved one.
Encourage them to seek professional counseling.
Send survivors love!
On our Instagram page, we open survivor love letters! These letters contain words of love, encouragement, apologies, and anything else survivors deserve to hear but maybe haven’t.
Submit your own letter below to share the love with other survivors! All letters will remain anonymous unless you request we share your page.
Survivor Care Kits
Create self-care kits for survivors in your community with help from PAVE!