Keshia Sutton

PAVE Social Media Ambassador



Keshia Sutton discovered a love for volunteerism from time spent within her community as it helped her through her sexual assault healing journey. For her, it is imperative that she shares her story and life experiences; such as what her sexual assault healing journey looks like, what it’s like to grow up in a military family, or what it’s like to have a sibling with autism; to be that voice for those who have dealt with similar scenarios, but are hesitant to address them head-on. Her most recent accomplishment was obtaining a Dual Masters in Nonprofit Management and Public Administration from the University of Central Florida. 

As a future Nonprofit Development Director, Keshia, your current reigning United World Ms. Florida, is passionately devoted to her personal platform: Restore, Report, Recognize; “let’s end the stigma of sexual assault”. With this platform she has the vision of:

  •  Helping victims “RESTORE” their self confidence and find tools/resources to help themselves along their healing journey

  • Encouraging victims and witnesses to “REPORT” sexual assault  and understand the reporting process 

  • For the population to “RECOGNIZE” the signs someone may have been sexually assaulted, to recognize the negative stigmas associated with sexual assault, and promote education to break those stigmas

As a social media ambassador for PAVE Keshia hopes to contribute to making PAVE’s vision a reality: A world free of sexual violence where where all survivors are supported as they heal from trauma.