Addressing The Change in U.S. Government Administration

Dear PAVE/ Community,

Today marks a change of administration in the United States, and with that comes a lot of change. Changes suggested by the new administration thus far are in direct opposition to PAVE/ and its fundamental beliefs. Here at PAVE/, we believe all survivors around the world, no matter the perpetrator. It is a devastation to survivors globally to see any perpetrator in a position of power.

PAVE/ promises to support and believe survivors of sexual violence no matter their life circumstances. We vow to continue to stand along survivors, regardless of:

  • Who the perpetrator is and any power they may hold

  • Ability and desire to access abortion

  • Immigration status

  • Gender or sexuality

  • Race or ethnicity

  • Religion

  • Age

  • Any other aspect of their identity that is currently under attack

Despite what the current administration believes, intersectionality and diversity are strengthening and uniting forces. We will continue to serve as a safe space for all victim-survivors during this time and moving forward, and we will continue to advocate for the rights of all who look to us for support. 

As Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. said, "Life's most persistent and urgent question is, 'What are you doing for others?'"

Whatever you are feeling is valid and we encourage you to prioritize self-care this week. PAVE is offering virtual support in the coming weeks:

  • Trauma-Informed Art Workshop: 1/29

  • Support Group: 2/5

  • BIPOC Healing Circle: 2/12

And you can always visit to sign up for our Survivor Support Newsletter, or reach out to us at Remember, you are not alone.

In solidarity,

The PAVE/ Team


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